Thursday 28 March 2013

What would she do at gym? Not listen to Kwaicore

Think about what music you would listen to while you work out? Metal to motivate your skinny arms to lift that 4kg? Some house to keep you from falling off a treadmil? Now what if you took Kwaicore gym? Picture this chick lifting her kettlebells with a constipated weight lifting face keeping to the rythm? Thats exactly what Kwaicore is!! Check this "gym bunny" out at Gym Bunny Fail

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Even easier...

Here's a page completely dedicated to watching the people out there trying their hardest to actually get Kwaicore out there. Their videos, blogs, posts etc. it's all here for you! To start you off, here's a guy who thinks he knows exactly about what Kwaicore is. It's funny because Kwaicore doesn't and shouldn't ever exist! What happened to not fixing whats not broken?? Another Kwaicore blog

Let me introduce you...

Hey hey hey. So I couldn't really slam the term KWAICORE without actually trying to show you what people are squeezing together. Here's a video by a a band called Kill Hannah as alternative punk! What's alternative punk you might ask? Well let's just say there will be no slit wrists and scarecrow masks. Instead, its like the waltz of hardcore punk, the soft spot, but it has elements of punk. Here's Kill Hannah "Lips Like Morphine" let me know what you think

Tuesday 26 March 2013

I can cheat too!!!

Kwaicore, Kwaicore, Kwaicore!! See! I can also do the short cut version of getting the pointless term out there. I've seen all the blogs on how amazing it is but let's face it; no head banging, mosh pitting punk rocker is going to have their favourite Rise Against song felt up by the beats of Arthur Mafokate! For seriously?? If ones love of music was so deep, you'd stop, drop and roll out of this epidemic! Check this History Lesson on Kwaito and Hardcore!

Apparently he likes to "snow"

Its only the 3rd week of this madness and people are already changing nouns into verbs!! Check the link below about this guy who clearly believes he knows exactly what this "genre" is on his blog "Scattered Sticks". I'm sorry, I obviously missed the connection between music and the game we play as kids to pick up scattered pieces of plastic (called "pick up sticks" if you didn't know). And he claims that artists are so keen to be mixing their genres; yes, I can picture Corey Taylor (Slipknot singer) putting on them overalls and all stars and jiving. It's getting worse and worse folks, so let me know whats out there 

The "WTFKwaicore" begins

The world has come to a place where creating absurd combinations seem to be ok. Yes I agree that some do work, McDonalds and the Olympic Games, surely because all athletes eat the worlds biggest fast food chains products. But now, we have taken things too far; in recent events, someone decided that it is now ok to combine two already ridiculous forms of music to create one. The love child of Kwaito and Hardcore (more like hate child), Kwaicore. Oh well, check these links out to see what NOT to do