Friday 19 April 2013

Kwaicore, your time is done!

It's been the 6 weeks of what I think has been the most pointless use of the internet. We have access to the whole world but people were writing about something that doesn't actually exist. Now I sit here typing this blog thinking about all those dear people who who believed so hard in something so weird and frankly dysfunctional as a concept; what are they going to do now?

There are still however the "beliebers" of kwaicore, those who think that normal Kwaito and Hardcore music is just not enough. There are those out there who will wear those high thick black boots, head banging to Arthur Mafokates' stuff.

Come on! There are real people out there making real music and real success out of it. These people are those Kwaito artists (whoever they are) and the head banging rockers could be doing the same.

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