Thursday 18 April 2013

The kwaicore wars

The kwaicore wars. Thats what they should call it. Who's "they" you might ask? The lecturers who set us up to do weird briefs such as this. I have seen it all, from people helping out their fellow classmates to wanting to sabotage the same people. Kwaicore has not only ruined our internet usage but we are now wanting to tweet about it every second as opposed to interesting stuff. We are sitting here hopelessly behind our laptops praying that our Kwaicore blogs gain the ratings so that we can get the marks. Leave Kwaito and Hardcore music alone. Like any old classic car, it shouldn't be messed around with. I don't see why we have people out there who feel it's necessary to now promote something that soon won't exist in their lives after they receive their marks. Arthur Mafokate wouldn't want his music superimposed with some head banging genre of noise. Likewise with some pierced Bad Brains guitarist wanting to swing his hips around like a carousel. It won't ever happen, so why bother? There are so many better mash ups in the world and we're here promoting this? So glad these 6 weeks are over...

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