Sunday 21 April 2013

Kwaicore (Kwaicore Kwaicore Kwaicore) vs Google

Kwaicore Kwaicore Kwaicore Kwaicore

There are people on this mission who think that this trick works?? Well maybe it does, but for those of you are more interested in actually getting to the top on your own, then here we are.

I recently saw a Kwaicore blog explaining what not to do at a Kwaicore concert. Firstly, there are no such things; underground music is genuinely good sometimes, also original. There is no reason to have to force together two genres that probably hate each other anyway. Imagine; a heavy rocker almost booty hopping his way across the stage! Beyonce would not be proud.

So keep your mullets (go Alberton whoo) and if you seriously want to go as far as the heels all you "Braai-yanston" girlies, by all means do so.

On the other hand, those all stars your brother gave you, I knew you didn't want to slather them in pleather and fix it up with your Spar Charcoal for eye liner. There's no need to get rid of that overall you wash every weekend with Jik to give it that old school feel.

Kwaito (kangaroos?), Hardcore Punk (people?), don't lose touch with your true selves; fist pump the shit out of your favourite (can I call it a song?) when your head banging causes your head to bang. Shake and booty hop and look like you are having an epileptic fit whilst standing and do it well because you can!!

Saturday 20 April 2013

Kwaicore hasn't died?

Dear bloggers. I must say, there are some of you out there who are really trying hard to revive something that wasn't really alive. Given that no music was actually released, constantly posting about it will help the cause as much as a hot shower cures aids! Kwaicore is no "love child" of hardcore and kwaito, there is no "revolution". An "accidental" anything that has to do with ghetto head banging is about as accidental as my father asking any guy I bring home what their intentions are.

So seriously, the last 6 weeks have been fantastic, but Kwaicore and "Kwai Cool" anything else from "sticks" to "revolutions" has to go back to real music making.

Friday 19 April 2013

We Don't Dance In Tights (And not to KWAICORE either): Kwaicore, your time is done!

We Don't Dance In Tights (And not to KWAICORE either): Kwaicore, your time is done!: It's been the 6 weeks of what I think has been the most pointless use of the internet. We have access to the whole world but people were...

Kwaicore, your time is done!

It's been the 6 weeks of what I think has been the most pointless use of the internet. We have access to the whole world but people were writing about something that doesn't actually exist. Now I sit here typing this blog thinking about all those dear people who who believed so hard in something so weird and frankly dysfunctional as a concept; what are they going to do now?

There are still however the "beliebers" of kwaicore, those who think that normal Kwaito and Hardcore music is just not enough. There are those out there who will wear those high thick black boots, head banging to Arthur Mafokates' stuff.

Come on! There are real people out there making real music and real success out of it. These people are those Kwaito artists (whoever they are) and the head banging rockers could be doing the same.

Thursday 18 April 2013

The face of Kwaicore

Every music genre has a face; bubblegum pop was won by Britney Spears whilst Corey Taylor can easily take whatever his genre is. There's also a guy named Bricks who apparently is an awesome Kwaito star whilst whoever is the face of Hardcore punk takes that.

Why don't you decide what the face of Kwaicore should look like? Here's a guideline to get you started. Below are two artists with their signature facial expressions. Beware girls who take photos of their duck faces, you may have competition.

Artist "Bricks" with his '"face-brick angry face"
"Girls Can Rock" punk bad. I see 3 girls.

Kwaicore, don't try fix what isn't broken.

Humans are known to do a lot with their eyes first; we eat with our eyes, find potential partners with our eyes and sometimes even tell people that they're just stupid by giving them the look of shame. I have been sitting at my laptop for countless hours staring at shameless blogs about Kwaicore. Well ladies and gents, here are visual reasons as to why Kwaicore shouldn't exist.
Hardcore punk boots

All Stars for Kwaito

Which do you prefer? Hardcore punk or Kwaito comfort? Leave your comments

What is it about Kwaicore blogs?

This is more or less the last day I can push to get my rankings up and frankly speaking, I think Google hates me. I have been sitting on page 11 for the past week and as they say, "if it is not on page 1 of Google, it doesn't exist."

Please all, get people to follow and comment, posts are open too. We need to get this anti-Kwaicore blog to the top! Kwaito and Hardcore punk need to live as two separate entities and should not be encouraged to join. This is not some poor Indian family searching desperately for a husband for their daughter, this is real music we're talking about.

Save your genre, share this blog!